Disable Copy and Paste Option

The popularity of blogging attracts lots of internet users to create blog for personal use or to add the websites of the company where he work. Some people are lazy in writing. So they search readymade content for his blog. Finally they copy the content from a blog and paste it in his blog. Its really hard to think and then write and some people, within minute copies the content and add it in his blog.

The readymade javascript code disable the selection option and not possible to select and copy the text. This way your text will be protected. I have mentioned below the step-by-step instruction to add javascript code in the blogger html template that will disable the selection option :

a) Login to your blogger account.
b) In the Dasboard, click on the Layout.
c) Click on Edit HTML in Layout.

Paste the code given below between <head> and </head> :

<!-- Disable Copy and Paste-->
<script language='JavaScript1.2'>
function disableselect(e){
return false
function reEnable(){
return true
document.onselectstart=new Function ("return false")
if (window.sidebar){
<!-- Disable Copy and Paste-->

Save Template and open the blog in the browser and select the text. You will not able to select the text written in the blog.


Anonymous said...

That's a great ideea i never know how to disable a mouse event

Anonymous said...

This is a great idea, I'm going in put that feature on right away. I find a lot of Indian SEO people love to cut and paste.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Cool script. Thank you for sharing this. I wil try this out.

Anonymous said...

lol...u hav told us to paste the code in blogger template...but if we cant select & copy it how can we paste!
u should hav given an attachment file for the code or some external link for it.
dont think people would like to type it by hand :-)

Anonymous said...

Nice idea.Thanks for this tutorial.I never know how to disable the mouse events.Can you please tell something to prevent spams in the blog

PC WORKS Computer Systems said...

However one can still select all from edit menu and copy paste it... perhaps into a word processor and then to a blog....