Windows Media Player Useful Shortcuts keys

Like MS-Word, excel and other windows based application, we can operate windows media player with shortcut keys. The keys below are very useful and speed your working in media player. Using shortcuts is always time saving as compare to the mouse. So enjoy songs and videos without mouse.

Shortcut keys Action

ALT+1 Adjust zoom to 50 percent

ALT+2 100% zoom

ALT+3 200% zoom

ALT+ENTER Watch video in full screen

ALT+F Shortcut to open File Menu

ALT+T Shortcut to open Tools Menu

ALT+V Shortcut to open View Menu

ALT+P Shortcut to openr Play Menu

ALT+F4 Close media player application

CTRL+SHIFT+B Use to Rewind music/video file

CTRL+SHIFT+F Use to Fast Forward music/video file

CTRL+SHIFT+S Use to play items slower than a normal speed

CTRL+SHIFT+ G Use to play items faster than a normal speed

CTRL+SHIFT+ N Use to play items at normal speed in media player

CTRL+1 Display media player in full mode

CTRL+2 Display media player in skin mode

CTRL+B Use to play the previous item in media player

CTRL+F Use to play the next item in media player

CTRL+E Use to Eject CD or DVD from CD or DVD drive

CTRL+P Use to Play or Pause the item in media player

CTRL+T Use to Repeat the items in media player

F8 Use to mute the volume in media player

F9 Use to decrease the volume in media player

F10 Use to increase the volume in media player

ENTER or SPACEBAR Use to play an item

Hope the above shortcuts will save your time.