Display Problems of Unicode Characters in Your Browser

Sometimes you are unable to read some unicode characters in your browser, like hindi websites or other regional websites. It is because your system in not configured properly and you need to configure it. The unicode is a 16-bit encoding standard allow us to read all the characters of popular languages like hebrews, hindi, urdu, etc.

Following are the steps useful to solve the display problems of Unicode characters :
First install the font you need to read. Suppose you have problem with hindi fonts, then install hindi fonts in your pc. Some of the popular hindi fonts used by the hindi websites are akshar, mangal, kruti, etc. You can download hindi font mangal from here : http://www.bharatdarshan.co.nz/downloads/MANGAL.TTF

After downloading hindi font, install it in your system.
Step 2 : For Windows XP Operating System,

Click on Start > Settings > Control Panel > Regional Options and Language Options.
In the Languages tab, check both check box under Supplemental language support.

Regional Setting in XPChoosing both options means all optional fonts will install and your system support for these languages.

Now open your favorite hindi or any regional websites in the browser and check.