Change the Background Color of Logon Screen : Registry Tips

The logon screen dialog box appears when pc starts and windows load in GUI mode. A screen appear asks password with default user id. When you change the color and appearance of the desktop and its items it does not change the color of the logon screen dialog box. But it can be possible with the help of registry. This tips help you to change the background color of the screen with your favorite color.

Before changing the value in the registry, must backup your registry date.

It allows you to choose your favorite color in RGB format. If you want black color, enter 0 0 0 in the value field.

Step-by-Step Instructions :

Click on start button > Run > Type regedit

Go to : HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Control Panel\Colors

Right click on the Background and enter the code of your favorite value in RGB format in Value field. Close registry and then restart your PC.